Take a look at the complete walk-through guide of MakeStories editor in this video and start creating your own Web Story in detail. In this lesson, you will get to know the whole sum of MakeStories and its features, how you can use and apply those elements and templates while creating your Web Stories

Introduction to MakeStories

Hello everyone and welcome to lesson One of the MakeStories 101 course. So finally we have completed our walk-through of the MakeStories dashboard and when you hit the create story button, this is what your editor is going to look like.

Feature Overview that MakeStories offering

Now you can see that when you're going to click on create a new story, you will get a blank canvas. So in this lesson, this being our first lesson, we will just give you a pretty quick overview of all the sections that you have inside the editor.

You can do the walk-through by clicking the show me around a button. When you click this, it will say, do you want the tour of the whole editor? when you click, Yes. It will tell you that this is where all your editing tools will be.

When you click next, it will say that you can select from unlimited libraries of fonts, media. All the elements that you will be adding to your MakeStories canvas will be found in the left panel. In the next slide, it says that on the right-hand side, you'll find options to design, animate and optimize.

Design is basically for changing the look and feel or appearance of your components on the web story Canvas, animation tab is for animating your component.

In the settings tab, we have many different things too.

So you will click next, so it says that at the top bar you have the preview, publish, and share? So in this particular bar, you have the logo. When you click on this logo, you are taken to the dashboard. You can change the story name by double-clicking this.

When you hit this button, it will save any unsaved changes. The preview button is to preview your story, then publish as the name suggests is to publish your story. Sharing is when you want to share the story with different people.

Now, we will skip the Media library part for now. Like it will quickly give us an overview. So I will just skip this one.

Because we will be doing all of these in the subsequent lessons.

So basically in the top bar, write my first story in the New story tab. After this, you can add text elements and click on unsaved changes.

This keeps on auto-saving but if You feel uncomfortable and you want to save them, You can move text elements as per your wish and you can hit unsave changes. So it will save your changes.

Now, when you hit preview, you will see a preview screen. Where you can change your device for preview options on multiple platforms. You can also preview your story in the new tab. When you click on open a new tab, it will open the preview in a new tab.

Below there you can see a QR code for story preview Then you have a publish. There is a complete course on the publishing of web stories.

We will not walk you through this feature right now.

Sharing is pretty simple. When you hit share like you just need to enter the email address of the people you want to share the story with.

Now coming to the left panel, this is where you will be adding more stuff, your elements from. Like you will be setting your background.

You will be using some of our templates. You will be adding your text elements. You will be adjusting your layers. You can add photos to your story. You can add some elements like stickers, illustrations, shapes, and more.

Then you can add music, You can add Twitter tweets, you can have add-ons. We will have separate lessons for each and every feature. Don't get overwhelmed right away.

In the right panel, we have a design, animations, and settings.

In the bottom bar, you have an option to change your language. You have undo-redo stuff, you have auto-advance. Again, this will come in your future lessons. Then you have template saving options. You have options to reorder your page.

You can zoom in, zoom out the canvas. So that’s pretty much about it. We have explained tooltip options, like what all the small buttons do to everything.

This was just a very small and quick intro to what the web stories editor looks like when you log in for the first time and create your first story. Stay connected and watch each and every lesson. You will become a master in creating web stories.

We welcome you all to this amazing journey of creating web stories, using MakeStories. So stay tuned. That's it.


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